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The most beautiful places in your home for standing lamps

De mooiste plekken in jouw woning voor staande lampen

Where do I place my standing lamp?

Before choosing a standing floor lamp, it is important to think about what is actually the best place for a standing lamp. You can distinguish between functional lighting and mood lighting.

Do you have a nice one armchair Where do you occasionally read a book? A standing floor lamp fits perfectly next to an armchair. However, make sure that the lamp gives enough light to read. Do you have a dark corner in your living room? Place one here floor lamp, the light certainly contributes to the homely atmosphere!


In your bedroom you can also place a nice, standing lamp. Remember that you will not be bothered by the light when sleeping. It can help to opt for yellow light, this gives more peace. This is of course also possible in the nursery! You can also choose to place a dimmer between your floor lamp, so you can adjust the light to your mood!

Many people have been working at home lately, so your own office must also be well lit! A standing lamp is a good solution. Place it next to your desk. Here too it is important to pay attention to the color of the light, make sure it is not too white. That can ensure that you are too tense.

Which type of floor lamp fits best in my interior?

If you have thought carefully about the location of your floor lamp standing, the next step is of course to see which type of floor lamp best suits your interior. Pay close attention to the function of the light.

If you are enjoying your book in the evening, it is of course useful to have light from above. This floor lamp then serves as a reading lamp, but also as an eye -catcher. Such an extra lamp can of course also be ideal next to your desk.

In the living room it can be nice to have a somewhat atmospheric source of light instead of the hard ceiling light. A industrial floor lamp For example, is perfect for this, or choose VOor a tripod lamp.


A supplement to your standing lamps

With one standing lamp in the corner of the living room you will of course not make it. To relieve a space well and atmospheric, it is important to create multiple light points.

For example, place one next to your standing floor lamp industrial table lamp on that one empty cupboard, or hang a beautiful one Wall lamp on. Our range of VAn industrial lamps gives the space that little bit extra and let the space completely up to come life.


Lighten your home with standing lamps

We Dimehouse Hope to have informed you sufficiently about standing lamps with this blog. If you have more questions you can always contact our customer service, they will help you further! If you don't get out of it completely, you can always take a look at our inspiration page. Perhaps our other customers can inspire you in the field of floor lamps. In any case, we wish you good luck finding your perfect standing lamps!

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