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What is artificial leather?

Wat is kunstleer?

When you look at the webshop you see a lot of furniture with artificial leather. Artificial leather has different names. You may be familiar with PU- (art) leather, imitation leather, leather look or faux leather. In fact, the name says it: artificial leather is art, immition, counterfeit. So it is (often!) No real leather. And that has its advantages and disadvantages. 

Advantages of artificial leather compared to real leather:

  • Animal friendly
  • In some cases not moisture -permeable (with a manufacture from PVC or PVC/PU)
  • In some cases breathable (with manufacture from PU with microporous structure)
  • Easy (er) in maintenance
  • Easier to keep clean
  • Neutral in odor (compared to real leather)
  • Form -retaining
  • Colorful (vulnerable in sunlight)
  • Cheap

Disadvantages of artificial leather compared to real leather:

  • Less sustainable than real leather
  • Can feel "cheaper"
  • More sensitive to wear than real leather
  • Holds heat (can also be an advantage) 

Artificial leather consists of a plastic that is applied to a piece of textile. That is why there are many possibilities in colors, structures, patterns and shapes. The development of artificial leather always continues. Nowadays there are many artificial learning that have a breathable effect and are difficult to distinguish. These artificial leather are often made from polyurethane (PU) with a micoporous structure. Artificial leather that do not absorb moisture are often made from PVC or a combination of PVC and polyurethane.

As in the first paragraph, artificial leather is often not a real leather. It is possible that a layer of polyurethane is sprayed on a split leather bottom layer. In that case, artificial leather is also a bit real. What you see with the eye is art.

What is PU Leer?

PU is an abbreviation for polyurethane. This material is applied to a surface that can be of textile, but also of, for example, split leather (see blog What is leather? for the explanation of split leather). 

Is artificial leather just as good as real leather?

It depends! What do you want to use it for? Do you have children and do they mess (or do you mess yourself)? Do you want to reduce the chance of circles? Then you better go for artificial leather. This material is easier to purchase and less vulnerable to circles than real leather. In addition, artificial leather is a lot better for the wallet than real leather ;-).

What is Skai?

Skai is a brand name from 1958 from the German company Konrad Hornschuch AG. This company produced artificial leather under the name Skai (with lowercase). Over the years, Skai became a generic name, just like Luxaflex that has become for window coverings. If you are looking for skai furniture, so you probably mean artificial leather furniture. So we can simply help you with that.

What is artificial leather suitable for?

You can use artificial leather for various purposes. Bee Dimehouse We use artificial leather for the upholstery of our furniture. Artificial leather is very suitable for this. Art leather will last for a long time with normal use. In addition to furniture, artificial leather can be used for many purposes. Think of shoes, jackets and handbags, for example. PU is also used in cars for the interior, or in shoe soles.

How should you maintain artificial leather?

You don't have to treat artificial leather in principle. You can, however, extend the lifespan of artificial leather with these tips:

  • Keep artificial leather dry. Artificial leather is normally flexible and therefore elastic. If moisture dries up on artificial leather, the top layer can harden. If this happens it can eventually tear. And of course you don't want that!
  • Do not treat artificial leather with corrosive cleaning agents, but with a slightly damp cloth. Again: then make the artificial leather dry.
  • It is possible to treat artificial leather with a special spray. After the treatment there is a thin invisible layer on the furniture, giving you extra protection.
  • Sunlight will always cause something discoloration. Keep artificial leather (and almost any other furniture upholstery) from long -term sun. 

Are you out and are you going for artificial leather furniture? Bee Dimehouse We are happy to help you further. View our webshop for our artificial leather furniture!


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